DJCVD is the ultimate CV Redesigner, Cover letter writer and a successful Job hunting Coach. Ihave helped more than 500+ people get interviews and jobs in a space of just two year throughmy services. Mad success rates of fewer than 24 hrs. for email blasts and some getting 8interviews within a month, further individuals earning more than 6 interviews from one emailblast. The number that I say 500 is people who have come back to day thank you but I knowmany more have been successful but the fear of revealing has kept them telling me the goodnews. Who better to teach you the way than yours truly? I have been through everything youare going through, be it a graduate or employee looking for greener pastures. I have to admit toyou that I wasn’t the A class kind of employee so I learnt how to become one and add value tothe employer in order to get a promotion. Thank you for trusting me to coach you through mybook. By the time you are done reading it you will look at the job hunt from a whole new angle